Youth Ministries

  • Fidelis

    Fidelis is a program inviting girls in grades 6-12 into a sisterhood with women young and old, leading each other to Christ. It is a mentorship group where adult women of all ages are invited to share, listen, organize, and grow with the girls through games, crafts, periodic outings, retreats, and small faith sharing. There are many volunteer opportunities needed for this group.
    Contact: Linda Landrigan

  • Fraturnus

    Fraternus is a program inviting boys in grades 6-12 into a brotherhood with men young and old, leading each other to Christ. It is a mentorship group where adult men of all ages are invited to share, listen, organize, and grow with the boys through games, periodic outings, and small faith sharing. There are many volunteer opportunities needed for this group.
    Contact: Dan Landrigan

  • High Seas

    High SEAS is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's is a youth ministry dedicated to providing opportunities for fun, fellowship and faith once a month for students, both boys and girls, currently in High School.

    For more information about High SEAS events click here.

    Contact: Kayle Landrigan or Jenn Engquist

  • Little Flower Girls' Club

    Little Flowers Girls’ Club is a Catholic club for girls ages 5 and up that teaches virtues through scripture, saints’ biographies and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  Based on the spirituality of St. Therese, the Little Flower of Liseux, this beautiful, authentically  catholic program helps develop a deep love of the Catholic Faith.  Girls earn badges for the virtures they have practiced and life skill they have learned. The St. Elizabeth Little Flowers Girls' Club meets during the school year. Volunteers and new members are welcome.

    To register click this link.

    Contact: Jenn Engquist