To receive text or email messages regarding school/parish weather related information, and other information of an immediate nature, sign up for our messaging service, Flocknote: text the letters joinseas to 84576 from your phone and follow the directions to sign up for notices. Or you may receive email information by joining at
Please be sure to complete your registration by following the directions to enter your name and join groups from which you wish to receive information.
When St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School is cancelled due to weather conditions, all events involving youth such as scheduled sporting events and practices, Religious Education classes, Youth Group, Fraternus/Fidelis, Scouts, Nursery, etc., along with adult events such as Bible Study, Small Faith group, choir practices, daytime groups, etc., are cancelled. Even if the weather clears later in the day, once school is cancelled, events involving children remain cancelled for the whole day. For Adult events other than those listed, please check with the program coordinator to see if the event is proceeding.
Other than receiving Flocknote notifications for weather related closures, you can check the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton School website also by clicking here.
For weekend events, including Sunday Religious Education classes, Children’s Liturgy of the Word and High School Youth Group, please watch for notices on local media and via Flocknote. However, we will ALWAYS celebrate Sunday Masses, no matter the weather. If you can come, we will be here. Please use your own good judgment about traveling on dangerous roads and slippery sidewalks.
Scheduled Daily Masses may occasionally be cancelled due to a severe weather event and will be communicated through Flocknote and local Media.
In the event of a weather related St. Elizabeth school DELAY, morning Bible Study will begin at the normal time. Eucharistic Exposition will not begin until after the 9:00 am Mass. If school is cancelled, there will be NO Eucharistic Exposition. For other events please check with the program coordinator.
Revised 2/2019