We wouldn’t be the successful school we are without the unwavering support of our volunteers! It is important for every school family to donate their time and talents in some way to continue strengthening our school and parish community.
All family members who wish to volunteer are required to complete all training and background checks. This requirement ensures anyone who volunteers for school functions and/or help in the classroom will be cleared to do so.
Please note that per Diocesan policy, any involvement within the school will require a background check and Safe Environment Training. This is for any amount of time spent in or out of the building with students, as well as field trips.
Please scroll to the bottom of this page to the boxes titled "Safe Environment - Adults," and "Safe Environmnet - Youth," and click on the appropriate link. If you have previously volunteered anywhere in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, then you will already have an account in CMG, you will need to login and complete any training that is needed. If you do have an account, and do not remember your username or password please contact Jan Barrett, [email protected] and request them. If you are new to volunteering, please complete the section for NEW Volunteers and follow the prompts given. Please make sure to add your email address for any future notifications of renewal.
Any 6th grade through High School students under 18 years of age students that wish to volunteer for service hours will also need to complete a child volunteer application and have the required background check for minors. This can be found on the website under Safe Environment Training-Youth
Thank you for your continued support of our school family.