God has blessed our parishioners with many talents at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish. Our parishioners are generous in sharing their God-given talents to serve the mission of the Church. All parishioners are encouraged to share their time and talent with the parish.
If you are interested in joining a ministry or remaining in it, please check the box next to the ministry's name in which you wish to volunteer. If you would like to discontinue a ministry, please write the name of the ministry in the comments section at the bottom of the form.
For more information about each of these ministries, please scroll to the bottom of this page.
Thank you for sharing your time and talent with others!
Blue print indicates ministries in high demand of assistance. THERE IS A GREAT NEED FOR ALL OF THE LITURGICAL MINISTRIES AT SUNDAY 5:30 PM Mass.
LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: All volunteers in liturgical ministries are asked to arrive 15 minutes before the assigned Mass on Sundays and other Holy Days of Obligation. Volunteers can choose preferred Mass time(s) and dates when you are not available. Training is provided for all ministries.
USHER - Provides hospitality by helping with seating and offertory during Mass and distributing bulletins after Mass as well as assisting parishioners during the Mass as needed. Also, ensures church is restored to good order after Mass.
Altar Server - Serves during Mass. Must be entering 5th grade in 2022-2023 School year and & older.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Mass - Assists priests by distributing the Eucharist. Also provides hospitality by greeting people entering the church. Must be 16+ and Confirmed.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for the Homebound - Visits and brings the Eucharist to the homebound. Must be 21+ and Confirmed.
Lector - Proclaims the Scripture readings and intercessions. Must be Confirmed.
Welcome Center Host - Greets people at welcome center and answers questions as they arrive and leave.
Adult Choir - Sings during 9:45 am Mass September through May. Rehearsal is every Wednesday at 7 pm to 8:30 pm.
RCIA Sponsor - Mentors an RCIA participant & attends class every Monday from 6 pm to 8 pm.
New Parishioner Outreach Committee - Works with a team to create a welcome plan for newly registered parishioners.
Evangelization Team - Shares the Catholic faith with people in the community. Training is provided.
Catechist for Family Catechesis - Teaches children in Religious Education during family catechesis program for grades 1 through 6, September through April. Classes meet monthly either on Sunday late afternoons or Monday evenings. Training is provided.
Catechist for Confirmation - Teaches 7th & 8th graders preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Classes meet weekly, August through April. Classes meet weekly either on Sunday late afternoons or Monday evenings. Training is provided.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Helper - Works with children ages 4 to 6 years old during the Liturgy of the Word part of the Mass on Sundays at 9:45 under the direction of the CLOW Leader.
Vacation Bible School Helper - Works with children ages preschool through 5th grade during the week of June 6, 2022. Middle Schoolers through adults are welcomed.
Little Flowers Core Team - Helps plan, coordinate, and implement activities for girls in grades 1 through 5. Meets the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm.
Fidelis - Mentors girls in grades 6 through 12. Group meets on Tuesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Training provided.
Fraternus - Mentors boys in grades 6 through 12. Group meets on Tuesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Training provided.
Bereavement Companion - Companions with parishioners who have lost loved ones during the first year through prayer and making periodic contact with them via telephone or email. Training is provided.
Seton Society - A women's group dedicated to serving the parish in many ways including hosting or assisting at special parish events, providing kitchen help, and making prayer blankets. Involvement is very flexible.
Knights of Columbus - Fraternal organization of men who serve the parish in numerous ways by hosting various parish gatherings such as blood drives, donut Sundays, and pancake breakfasts as well as serving the community at large. The Knights meet monthly for social meetings and monthly for business meetings. Involvement is very flexible.
Family Meals - Periodically provides dinner to members of the parish in need. Volunteers are contacted on an as-needed basis.
Funeral Dinners - Provides food and/or serves at funeral dinners as needed. Volunteers are contacted on an as-needed basis.
Pro-Life Committee - Meets on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 pm to discuss and plan ways to further the causes of protecting life at all stages.
St. Vincent de Paul Society - Works with a committee to help people in the community with short-term assistance of food, counsel, funds, and housing.
Eucharistic Adoration - Selects an hour timeframe on Tuesdays between 9 am and 8 pm to pray with Jesus present in the holy Eucharist.
Prayer Line Prayer Warrior - Receives weekly prayer requests via Flocknote.
Mary & Martha Ladies Prayer Group - Meets every Monday at 9:30 am to pray for the needs of the parish.
Prayer Blanket Ministry - Meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 1 pm to make prayer blankets for the sick & those being baptized.
Rosary Making - Meets on the first Monday of the month at 1 pm to make rosaries and pray the rosary.
Parish Festival/Other Socials - Works with a committee to plan, coordinate, and implement parish events.