Mission: To help struggling church and school families provide for some general needs and wants of their family during the Christmas season.
You can donate to the Angel Giving Tree by giving online here, texting "Angel" followed by the donation amount to 260-217-4383 or by dropping off or mailing a check to the parish office (10700 Aboite Center Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46804).
Click here to apply
Project HOPE (Help Our Parishioners at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton) was instituted in the fall of 1998. It was born out of a parishioner family's financial crisis that came to the attention of the Pastor at the time. Project HOPE has funded gifts to individuals and families based on the Saint Vincent de Paul model of assistance. These gifts are intended to be a non-taxable charitable contribution provided to alleviate parishioner's financial hardships. Project HOPE is a program to help parishioners in a time of need, but not sustain them. A small committee works with individuals during their time of need. the committee determines where help is most needed and helps with immediate financial needs and connects the parishioners with other necessary resources to aid in their particular journey.
If you need assistance, please contact the parish office at (260) 432-0268 or the Proect HOPE Committee at [email protected].
The St. Vincent de Paul society prvides financial assistance to those in need, both parishioners and non-parishioners. If you need assistance, please call the parish office at 260-432-0268, ext. 115 and you will be contacted by a member of our St. Vincent de Paul Society.